Today’s Topic & What You’ll Learn
- Where Mother’s Day Came From – Little History Lesson
- Why One Day To Celebrate Our Mothers Isn’t Enough
- Ways To Show Appreciation
Mama Robbins
Let’s Start With A Little History…
It all started over 100 years ago, back in 1908, by a woman named Anna Jarvis. After her mother, Ann Reeves passed away, Anna created a special memorial service to celebrate her legacy. Thereafter, Anna was able to establish one special day per year dedicated to cherishing our own Mothers. This became the holiday we know today as Mother’s Day.

Picture from Gerson Institute
But here’s the thing…as society does with all the holidays, in my opinion, we have created yet another “Hallmark” day. One more day a year we intentionally spend money and remember that “special someone”. So now we have this one day per year to celebrate our Mothers. The women in our lives that have raised us, supported us, been there for us….day and night. On this one day, we show her how much she means to us with flowers, cards, chocolates, gifts, or handcrafted tokens of our appreciation. We may make her breakfast in bed, ask her out on a special date, or spend quality time with her wherever her heart desires. Today….is her day.
But let me ask you this….for the woman who is so important in our lives, the woman who brought us into the world, or the woman who has been there for you……why does she only get ONE DAY?
So What Am I Saying?
Let’s show her appreciation EVERY SINGLE DAY! (or at least Way more often)

Ways To Show Appreciation
- Phone Call – Make it a daily or weekly check-in. I know I can personally let this slide a little too long. I may notice it’s been three days to a week since our last phone conversation. Just pick up the phone and call. Let her know you are alright, you’re still alive and see how she is doing! My mom lives over six hours away. For some, that seems close. However, even that “close” I only see her once, maybe twice a year if I’m lucky. Our moms usually love to hear from their kids!

- Write A Letter – If your Mother was born around 1960 or earlier, take a pen and paper and mail her a physical “handwritten” letter. Nothing says “I love you” more than an actual letter. This isn’t done much at all anymore. I almost guarantee she will LOVE it! Besides, maybe we should brush up on our penmanship these days. We’re so used to typing and texting, we could refine this long lost skill! 🙂
- Random Acts Of Kindness – One day when you go to visit, show her appreciation by doing dishes, sweeping the floor, tiding up where it’s normally messy. If your mom is anything like mine, she has her “particulars”. She isn’t much for wanting others to clean because she loves it all done the way she wants it. Well, you can ask her what one small thing you can do to help her out, an errand to run, or….you can have her read one of my previous Blogs “Letting Go Of Control To Get Chores Done & Having More You Time”. We all have to let go at some point! 🙂

- Just Because Days – On any day of the week…a “Just Because” moment…get her something. What is she into? Cooking, gardening, carpentry, knitting, etc? Use this to your advantage! Maybe you get her a special spoon from a place you just visited. You could get her a special garden tool. Purchase different coloured wool or some knitting materials. If she isn’t into “stuff”, see if spending a day together is something she would rather prefer. Though some people may be hard to shop for, it will always be the thought that matters, not the purchase that is made.

Though some of our Mothers live extremely far away, don’t let this be an excuse to not talk to her or catch up with her. Our Mothers are by far the most important people in our lives! Your Mother carried you for nine months in her belly. If it was anything like some of my pregnancies, getting sick day and night for the entire duration! After you were born, she was there for you, changing your dirty diapers, soothing you, rocking you, reading you stories! She saw you off to grade school, high school, then maybe Univerisity or College! Maybe she was even there for your wedding! Without our Mothers, we would not exist. We would have no reason to celebrate them for even just ONE DAY.

Now…what if you don’t have a Mother anymore….maybe she passed away, left, or you just don’t get along or talk anymore? Well…that is an extremely touchy subject and I would never express I understand what you are going through. However, what I can tell you is one day…. you had a mom. Regardless if she was there for you or not. You were brought into this world by her. So for that…even if it was an accident, we should be thankful that YOU are here with us today! So celebrate YOU if you need to. Because YOU are worth it.

To me, Mother’s Day is a day to remind ourselves of who we came from. A day to remember the struggles she went through for us. But every day is a day to show her appreciation because you never know when today will be her last.
Until Next Time – Follow Me: Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram.
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Mama Robbins