Mama Robbins

My name is Holly and I am the founder of Mama Robbins Health & Wellness.
After having five children, (the newest addition as I write this is 9 months old) I wanted to find a way to get back in shape. Between having children, being in my 30’s, and taking WAY longer to heal after the baby, my body wasn’t going back to the way it used to be. Much reading and research later, I realized that there is more to losing weight and gaining muscle than eating less and moving more. It takes a real plan, but that plan must be custom to each individual’s needs and abilities.
With my passion for learning and taking advantage of my time home, I decided to take the Personal Training Course. I wanted to implement methods for losing the baby weight, feel better, and fit back into my prepregnancy clothes.
Let me tell you, what I learned in this course alone BLEW MY MIND! I had NO idea there was so much behind losing weight properly, how to optimize your workouts, and ways to BURN MORE CALORIES WHILE YOU SLEEP!
On top of becoming a Certified Personal Trainer, I also became a Certified Kickboxing Instructor and Life Coach. I want to have all the proper tools at my fingertips to develop an in-depth personalized plan that will help you achieve your goals.
Whatever dream you want to achieve, let me help you come up with a customized plan to ensure you get there!
To Schedule A FREE Consultation, click HERE.
Time is the one thing we spend daily and can never get back. What better time to take control of your habits so you can enrich your life to improve yourself and set a great example for those around you.
Follow Me: Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, & Instagram!
Yours Truly,
Mama Robbins