Season 1: Episode 3 – My Groceries, Some Exercise, My Nightly Routine
Grocery shopping for eating healthy can be confusing. Check out what is in my grocery cart this trip. Plus get a preview of my workouts, a little humor, and what my nightly routine consists of.
Season 1: Episode 2 – Check out my Morning Routine
From the breakfast I eat to the vitamins I take. Learn what I do daily!
Season 1: Episode 1 – Learn With Me While I Build To Bulk
COVID has caused a bunch of businesses to close and people to stay home. So I decided to lose weight from baby #4 (get lean) and now over the next 13 months put on 15 pounds of muscle! Stay tuned while I teach you fundamentals of nutrition, exercise, lifestyle, goal setting, meal planning and more!
Secret To Getting Your Kids To Clean & Love It!
With the pandemic and kids being kept home for hours at a time, the tech use can get out of control and other tasks around the house may get neglected. Looking to find a solution? Here is a solution that worked WONDERS for my family!
Mama Robbins