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Today’s Topic & What You’ll Learn
- The way Easter was celebrated in my family when I was a child
- How Easter went from just chocolates to include extravagant toys
- Ways to bring back the focus of Easter to include Quality Family Time
- Great ways to save money on Easter purchases
- Establishing new traditions
- Incorporating a “no technology” policy for the dinner table and limiting elsewhere for Easter
Mama Robbins
Oh….the good
It was Easter morning when I was a wee little girl, around 4-years-old. The sun had just started to shine through the crack of my curtains. I woke up suddenly when I realized what day it was. It was EASTER! I jumped out of bed, threw on my sweater and out my bedroom door I went. Running as fast as my feet could carry me into my parents’ bedroom. As I jumped on the bed I yelled, “Mommy

It was “procedure” in my home before we could start collecting our goodies my parents’ needed to be awake. As I am a parent myself, I now realize it was to enjoy the experience with me. As I went from room to room collecting all the chocolates that were left by Mr Bunny, I remember how much joy I had. Once the adventure of collecting all my candy was complete, we did a family movie. Mom, dad, myself and my puppy Tiny sat on the couch and I was able to pick whatever I wanted. (I think it was Dumbo?) For the longest time as a child, around Easter, we usually still had some snow on the ground. But for some reason, Easter Day it always seemed to rain and the dirt in our driveway always became muddy. Oh….how I loved the mud. However, I don’t think my mom was quite as much of a fan as I was….“
Supper was the most famous of it all. I remember, though it was exciting to wake up in the morning and gather all the chocolates, nothing compared to the excitement of all my family coming over and my mom cooking a big feast! Turkey, potatoes, carrots, broccoli, cob corn, cranberries, hot apple pie, you name it! I may be a little bias, but I LOVE my moms cooking! Around 2pm my four cousins would show up with my Uncle Ron! Later in the afternoon my sister, my aunts, and uncles and my grandparents would also come over. Our family dinner usually consisted of 12 to 18 people.

Once supper was ready, mom yelled at us to come in. As we knew what was going to be on the table, there was never any fight to come back home. We ran into the house, got cleaned up and that is when the magic happened. The experience we would tell and the stories we would share. It all made Easter one of my favourite days of the year.
Fast forward to age 6…..I was up Easter morning more excited than ever! Why? As I go to collect my chocolate I found a clue, “I’m in the room where you have cable. Maybe look under the living room table”. I head to the living room and see a small box just in my vision….I reached under and grabbed the flashy coloured box. It was a felt craft! Mr Bunny started to leave me gifts! With that craft box, I found another clue. “In my bedroom, I may hide. This door can swing from side to side”. I went to my room and discovered it was in my closet! What was it? A Polly Pocket Set! ——–Okay, first off. As I’m writing this…wow…the memories

Hop, skip, and a jump to 2019…..I hear other parents tell me how they have chocolates, candy bars, LOL dolls, monster trucks, and some are even purchasing those $400 Electric Kids Cars and doing a “finale” in their garage! “You are doing WHAT!!!????” Um
$$Stop Spending So Much Money$$

Let me ask you. Do you ever feel sometimes your kids are less appreciative towards the things they receive? You may get them a toy and they complain it wasn’t the right one, or it’s not what they wanted. Now, the “Easter Bunny” is bringing them all this “stuff” and they can’t even thank YOU for it! The credit is going to Mr Buggs over there. Yes, you can see the joy they have of receiving such a miraculous gift, but it sets an expectation he will ALWAYS bring extravagant things. Easter, though you can make it whatever you want,
However, if you can’t help yourself and you feel the urge to buy, here are some ideas on a budget:
- Dollar Store! – You can buy tons of little re-usable plastic eggs that open. You can put erasers, stickers, tattoos, hair clips, bracelets, lego pieces, etc inside them. This is a great help
to replacing so much junk food.

- Dollar Store! – You can also go down the craft section and buy colouring books, pencils, crayons, paper, notebooks, reading books, crafts, etc for “larger” type purchases. Remember, keep it small!
- Dollar Store! – You can purchase all your chocolate here. Why? Because they are young and I hope they haven’t
aquired a taste for the expensive stuff yet. Plus, this will save you quite a bit when you spend $1.50 on a bag of chocolates, compared to other places that charge $4.50 per bag. (Canadian Dollars here, to note the difference)
Notice a trend there? 🙂 Dollar Store = Great Things
Be Actively Engaged With Your Kids

It’s only one day, but it should be a day your kids will remember. A day that mom, dad,
Limit The Device Use

You can even make it fun by giving everyone a pin when they come in, kind of like what would happen at a baby shower, but if you catch anyone looking at their phone, turning on the TV, playing with a device, you get to take their ribbon. Whoever has the most at the end of the evening can win a prize. Above all, NO CELL PHONES AT THE TABLE! Turn them off, put them on silent, or if you need it on, keep it in another room where you can hear it. Unless it is an absolute emergency, leave it alone!
Create A Family Tradition

We all have family traditions. Something we carry on over the generations. If mealtime is a family tradition. Fantastic, keep it up! Try to make mealtime the focal point of the day. Talk about positive experiences you had as a child, as you grew older or even today. Ask your kids questions about their day, keep them included in the conversation. Kids can be inspired by the stories their parents tell. They think, “I want to grow up and be just like my mom or dad!”
I know as a parent we sometimes have the feeling, “I just want to provide my child with more than I had has a kid”. But remember this….toys and gifts will come and go….but memories will last forever!
Until Next Time – Follow Me: Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, & Instagram.
Mama Robbins
Special Featured Bloggers
Welcome to our Special Featured Bloggers section where you get to enjoy some incredible Blogs written by other incredible people!

by Crystal | Good Life Ingredients
Crystal does such an amazing job describing her 5 Family Easter Traditions. Just as I was describing above in my Blog post, Traditions are super important. Once I read Crystal’s family would go out and purchase a new dress and shoes every Easter for Church, I became inspired to start this at home myself! What a great idea. She also has other fantastic traditions she does with her family and you can really hear how fun and important these are to her. What a great way to spend your Easter. I believe just from reading her Blog, I will be adding some of these to my list. You HAVE to check it out. What an amazing read!
View Her Full Site HERE

by Kay O | Kay At Home
Let me start by saying Kay has a way more creative bone than I do. Wow! I had no idea this “Cricut Machine” even existed. Kay shows us a few of the designs this machine can help you make and they really do look super simple and easy! This is a wonderful Blog to check out for inspirational ideas to do with your kids or even just yourself for Easter. It’s a must see!
View Her Full Site HERE
I agree with everything you said!
I had to laugh at the dollar store chocolate comment. Good idea. Keep their chocolate tastes cheap as long as possible. Haha.
Thanks for sharing this. It is so true that our kids will remember the special times together and making the memories, not the toys and candy.
First of all, thank you for commenting with words that let me know you are not spam..lol 🙂 Also, I am SO happy you enjoyed the read. Thank you so much for checking it out. I hope to see you in the future!
Very enjoyable. Thanks for sharing your story and my blog!
Thank you for allowing me to share your blog!!